
Instant Search Methods

First, make sure that you are set up as a client and have your authentication credentials available. Then use your provider data to perform an instant search.

  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "npi": "1234567890",  
  "ssn": "123456789",
  "includeLists": [
    "{enumeration: NPI Validation, Exclusions, Opt Out, SSDMF}"
  "searchByFields": [
    "{enumeration: Name, NPI, SSN}"
  "externalId": "string",
  "monitoredSubjectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

Data Explanation

organizationNameString (business/organization name)
npiInteger (10-digits)
ssnInteger (9 digits, no hyphens)
includeListsstring, enum: NPI Validation, Exclusions, Opt Out, SSDMF; use as an array, used to check specific monitor products
searchByFieldsstring, enum: Name, NPI, SSN; used to search by specific JSON fields
externalIDstring (uuid); An optional tag used to identify the subject across monitoring.
monitorSubjectIDstring (uuid), An optional UUID tag to specify that a search is for a specific Monitored Subject in Monitor-API


There are two available methods.

POST individual search; allow you to search 1 object at a time

POST bulk search; allows you to search n-number of objects


  1. Example Schema (if using all fields) replace “ “ with null or remove unused json properties.
  2. To use the various “includeLists” as an array the client must have the correlating Monitor Product enabled.
    1. If includeLists is not provided, a search will be performed for all Monitor Products that are searchable with the provided data. For example, providing First Name+Last Name and SSN will search Exclusions (by name) and SSDMF (by SSN).
    2. Specifying includeLists will limit the search to only the specified Monitor Products. Searching with First Name+Last Name and SSN with "includeLists": ["SSDMF"] will only search SSDMF.
  3. Need text on searchByFields
    1. If searchByFields is not provided, a search will be performed with all provided data.
      1. {“name”: “Organization Name”, “npi”: 1234567890, “includeLists”: [“Exclusions”]} will search for all Exclusions that match on the NPI 1234567890 or on the name “Organization Name”.
    2. If searchByFields is provided, a search will be performed only with the specified data, even if other data is provided.
    3. {“name”: “Organization Name”, “npi”: 1234567890, “includeLists”: [“Exclusions”], “searchByFields”: [“NPI”]} will search for all Exclusions that match on the NPI 1234567890.
  4. If searchByFields and includeLists are both provided, then an Instant-Search will be performed on every combination of field and list.
    1. This means that “includeLists”: [“Exclusions”, “SSDMF”], “searchByFields”: [“NPI”, “SSN”] is not a valid combination, as Exclusions are not searchable by SSN and SSDMF is not searchable by NPI
  5. You must conduct searches separately for each monitor subject unless you use the /bulk search endpoint.
  6. Providing a Name and an NPI will currently display non-verified potential Exclusion name matches as well as verified NPI matches. To receive only verified matches input just an NPI.
  7. A search that finds no result will return an empty Object or Array for that Monitor Product
    1. Eg “Exclusions”: [], “NPI Validation”: {}
  8. Monitor Subject ID will be used in future updates to connect an instant search to a subject in ongoing monitoring.
    1. Instant only does not need to use Monitor Subject ID.
    2. When using the “enroll” endpoint for Instant to Ongoing, this mapping will happen automatically.
  9. When conducting an instant search there are typically two types of errors - a bad request and a failed authentication. Ensure the request meets the intended search criteria and that you have the appropriate api-key.

API Reference: Post an Instant Search Request