
Instant Result

The InstantSearch-API allows you to instantly search your provider data against Exclusions (Federal and State including OIG and GSA/SAM), Medicare Opt Out, NPPES, OFAC, and SSDMF to ensure provider eligibility.

  • Enrollment/provider engagement to increase provider population, patient access, payment opportunities
  • Credentialing (or Recredentialing) check
  • Payment integrity to check a non-participating provider’s status
  • SIU to check after a provider issue was raised

Certain provider data is able to check our various sources.

      Use Name to check
Exclusions (name only)

      Use an NPI to check
Exclusions (Fed, state)
NPI validation
Medicare Opt Out
CMS Preclusion List, assuming ProviderTrust has a delegated agreement

      Use an SSN to check

Clients often ask us how to get instant results and then immediately place a provider into ongoing monitoring. There are two ways to approach this workflow.

Instant Search then Ongoing Monitoring

  1. Conduct an instant search via the InstantSearch-API ensuring that the “externalID” field has a value.
  2. Receive the result
  3. Process the result
  4. Place into ongoing monitoring
  5. If you do not use the “externalID” field, then the instant result will be separate without association with the ongoing monitoring results.