Artifact Methods


  "category": "Documents",
  "type": "string",
  "expirationDate": "2021-08-23"

Data Explanation

categorystring; ‘Documents’
expirationDateDate (YYYY-MM-DD); optional
monitorSubjectIDstring (uuid)

API Reference: Create an Artifact for a Subject


API Reference: Update an Artifact for a Subject


With this functionality, you can retrieve a specific artifact for a specific subject.

API Reference: Get the Artifact by Id for a Subject

POST Search

  "desc": true,
  "page": 0,
  "size": 0,
  "sortBy": "NAME",
  "expirationDates": [
      "startDate": "2021-08-27",
      "endDate": "2021-08-27"
  "categoryTypesMap": {
    "Documents": [
      "Certificate of Insurance"
  "statuses": [
    "Expiring in 30 Days",
    "Expiring in 7 Days",
  "filter": "string"

Data Explanation

descTrue to sort the search results in descending order, false to sort them in ascending order
pageInteger (min 0, default 0). Optional. The page number of the search to return
sizeInteger (min 1, max 1000, default 30). Optional. The size of each page
sortByString (enum). Optional. The sort order of the results. Allowable values are:
expirationDatesJSON Object Array. Optional. Date filters to apply based on each Artifact's expiration date. Each object has the following fields:
startDate: date-String. Optional
endDate: date-String. Optional

To match an expirationDate filter an Artifact's expirationDate must be greater than or equal to the startDate (if not null) and less than or equal to the endDate (if not null).

JSON Objects in this array have OR logic applied to each other, meaning that an Artifact only needs to match one to be returned in the search.
categoryTypesMapJSON Object. Optional.
Each key of the Object is an expected Category for an Artifact's category field to match on.
The value of that object is an array of Strings. These values are the expected Types for an Artifact's type field to match on after they have matched on Category

Key-value pairs in this Object have OR logic applied to each other, meaning that an Artifact only needs to match one to be returned in the search.
statusesString (enum) Array. Optional.
The allowable statuses of each Artifact to filter on.
Acceptable values are:
Expiring In 30 Days
Expiring In 7 Days

*NOTE: Missing will return results for all Monitored-Subjects that do NOT have an Artifact of the expected Category and Type
filterString. Optional.
Filter on the Artifact's Monitored-Subject's name or NPI.

API Reference: Search all Artifacts with optional filters